What are the concerns of professional photographers and media makers in terms of how the Net may indeed threaten the integrity of their art forms. If I digest the issues discussed correctly, the primary concerns are with the quality and copyrights to media productions distributed on the Net. Methinks the longstanding tension between blogging and journalism since the emergence of blogosphere plays up similar issues albeit in slightly different light. Here we are talking about the rice bowls of professional journalists and news corporations being threatened by blogging upstarts. Is blogging a reflection of a popular demand among the traditionally passive consumers who are now demanding a voice in the production of materials that they would consume? In many ways, the Net has only intensifed this shift towards prosuming. I’ll say the growing popularity of Reality TV shows such as Big Brother, the Idol series which sprang off ‘copies’
As individuals and producers of creative content, be it in visual or textual formats, we can choose to be either hapless victims or active participants shaping this inevitable tide of events. -
relationship between blogging and journalism, the big question now is not as much as how blogging has threatened journalism, but how journalists can tap on the opportunities now made visible and available by bloggers.
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